


澳门足彩app完成了LiDestri之前的项目, 所以当他们的废水问题出现时, 他们知道该给谁打电话. 澳门足彩app was selected to design and construct a new wastewater pretreatment system for LiDestri 食物 & 在他们位于新泽西州彭萨肯的工厂喝酒. The facility had been discharging wastewater with high concentrations of BOD and COD in addition to pH swings below and above the permitted limit that resulted in an administrative consent order to implement wastewater treatment.


LiDestri为他们的另一家工厂的污水处理购买了设备.  由于生产变化,工厂不再需要它. 澳门足彩app was able to use the equipment in the Pennsauken Facility to maximize LiDestri’s previous capital investment and reduce the cost for the new wastewater treatment required. 澳门足彩app designed the ancillary components necessary to complete the system and install this equipment to bring them into compliance all while keeping the facility fully functional.


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